Honey Supers and New Colonies : BeeBlog

Ruhl Bee Blog

Honey Supers and New Colonies

by Ruhl Bee on 05/28/14

With the blackberry nectar flow already started, new beekeepers may be wondering whether to bother adding a honey super to their new hive. Well, they shouldn't expect to get a lot of honey from a first-year hive, but putting on a honey super might be worthwhile for a couple of reasons apart from the honey potential.  First, it tends to reduce crowding during the peak population time, and thus reduces swarm risk.  Second, even if the bees don't make much honey, they will likelyl build out the honey comb. This give the colony a great start for next year's honey season. Besides, there is always someone who does incredibly well on their first season.  And it might be you.

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